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  08 469 6700
Hotelli-Ravintola Lokkilinna
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General reservation conditions

Check in and check out times

The person making the booking must be an adult. Guests under the age of 18 staying without a guardian must have written consent from their guardian. Reserved accommodation is available to customers from 16:00 on the day of arrival to 12:00 on the day of departure.

Additional beds

Please note when making an online reservation that any additional beds will be billed separately. The room price does not include additional beds. The prices for additional beds (EUR 25–55) can be found on the price list.

Arrival by 18:00

Rooms will be reserved until 18:00 on the day of arrival, unless a later arrival time has been agreed. The hotel therefore has the right to give rooms away after 18:00 if the customer has not arrived by that time.


Room reservations can be cancelled free of charge up to 18:00 (Finnish time) on the day before the day of arrival. If the room has not been cancelled by 18:00 on the day before the day of arrival, and the customer does not arrive, the hotel has the right to charge the customer for one night.

Where a stay is for several nights, the cancellation must be made one week before arrival, after which the cancellation fee will be 50% of the cost of the package booked. Cancellations must always be made in writing to the address below, or by email to the following address: hotelli@lokkilinna.com.

Kalajoen Lokkilinna Oy’s right to cancel bookings

In the event of a force majeure situation, Kalajoen Lokkilinna Oy may cancel reservations.